Emotional Support Cat: Benefits and Registration

By: Ivana Crnec, DVM Updated: January 22, 2025

emotional support cat

An emotional support cat is any cat that provides comfort and companionship to a person with a mental or emotional disability. The purpose of the ESA cat is to reduce negative feelings and promote mental health. 

The Ragdoll, Maine Coon, Siamese, Manx, Bengal, Russian Blue, and Balinese are the top ESA cat breeds. Each breed is uniquely adept at benefiting people with specific mental issues. 

ESA cats help owners with stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and lack of sleep.  Having a cat emotional support animal comes with additional benefits, such as living in houses or apartments with no-pet policies and being exempt from pet rent and fees.  

An emotional support cat does not need special training or official registration but requires an ESA letter to protect its status legally. 

What is an Emotional Support Cat for?

An emotional support cat is for providing comfort and companionship to people with mental or emotional health challenges. 

Anxiety, depression, phobias, panic attacks, schizophrenia, ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorders qualify as mental or emotional disabilities. 

Cat owners score better on measurements of psychological health compared to people without pets, says a study, “Psychological Health in a Population of Australian Cat Owners,” published in 2015 in Anthrozoös.

State and federal laws legally recognize the cat as an emotional support animal (ESA). An ESA cat does not need special training and benefits owners with its mere presence. 

What are the Benefits of Having an Emotional Support Cat?

The benefits of having an emotional support cat are listed below. 

  • Stress or Anxiety Relief: ESA cats encourage owners to shift focus from the source of their anxiety to taking care of them and engaging in positive interactions. 
  • Depression Management: Emotional support animals have the unique ability to boost mood and reduce depressive feelings. ESA cats promote relaxation. 
  • Improved Sleep Quality: The reduced anxiety positively affects sleep quality. ESA cats help owners go to sleep faster and wake up less during the night. 
  • Reduced Loneliness: Emotional support cats alleviate loneliness and isolation. The constant companionship minimizes the negative effects of spending time alone, with the added benefit of still having a generally independent animal that respects personal boundaries.
  • Better Physical Health: Cat interactions help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart conditions. Studies indicate that the frequency emitted by cats purring have positive effects on the human body, including general cardio-vascular benefits, reducing stress, and even help with healing. Daily on-leash walks with the ESA promote physical activity. 

What are the Different Breeds of Cats for Emotional Support?

The different breeds of cats for emotional support are listed below. 

  • Ragdoll: The Ragdoll is a highly people-oriented feline that loves to cuddle, hence its nickname “puppy cat.” Breed members are easygoing, calm, independent, and tolerant. The breed’s average lifespan is 15 years. Ragdolls are the perfect ESA cats for children with emotional issues, including ADHD and anxiety. 
  • Maine Coon: The Maine Coon is the largest domestic breed best known for its lustrous mane. Popularly known as the “gentle giant,” this cat is very kind and affectionate. Maine Coons live around 12 to 15 years and need moderate grooming to maintain their long and fluffy coats. The breed is best suited for people with general anxiety. 
  • Siamese: The Siamese is an outgoing and vocal cat with a borderline clingy nature. The short, silver-grey coat and blue eyes are the breed’s hallmarks. Breed members are very long-lived, with an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years. The Siamese, with its cuddly personality, is the right ESA cat for lonely people in need of physical affection. 
  • Manx: The Manx is gentle, playful, and vocal. It is a fiercely loyal breed often described as a one-person cat since it forms strong bonds with one human family member. Manx cats have an average lifespan of 9 to 14 years. The Manx is a fantastic fit for people in need of constant companionship. 
  • Bengal: The Bengal is an intelligent, affectionate, and inquisitive cat with a spotted coat pattern. Known as the “adventurous explorer,” the Bengal enjoys outdoor leash-walking. Breed members live between 10 and 16 years. Bengals are recommended for people with social anxiety because of its unusual fondness for taking walks and being outside.  
  • Russian Blue: The Russian Blue is a quiet, loyal, and smart breed that keeps its even temper even in emergencies. The main physical feature of the cat is its gray-to-bluish, low-shedding, hypoallergenic coat. The breed’s lifespan is 15 to 20 years. The Russian Blue is the ESA cat breed of choice for people struggling with depression. 
  • Balinese: The Balinese is an incredibly social, playful, and talkative cat. The long-haired coat and sapphire blue eyes are key traits of the Balinese cat. The breed is famous for its longevity because it lives between 16 and 21 years. The Balinese’s hypoallergenic coat makes it suitable for emotionally challenged people with cat allergies. 

The best ESA cat for children is the Ragdoll. The breed is affectionate, friendly, and playful but has a generally well-mannered and laid-back personality. Ragdolls tolerate kids surprisingly well and make excellent ESAs. 

Can Any Cat be an Emotional Support Animal?

Yes, any cat can be an emotional support animal. The ESA qualification rules for cats do not discriminate based on age, sex, breed, or previous training. 

The cat’s temperament and the ESA letter are two conditions necessary for cats to be recognized emotional support animals. 

Temperament determines whether the cat makes a good ESA because not all cats are happy being emotional support animals. For example, a cat that dislikes going out is unable to comfort the owner during traveling as it feels unsafe on its own. 

The ESA letter confirms the cat’s emotional support animal status and is issued by a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) based on the owner’s mental state.

How do Cats differ from other Animals as an Emotional Support Animal?

Cats differ from other animals as an emotional support animal because of their unique nature. Cats tend to be more independent than other animals, dogs for instance, thus they can provide emotional support to their owners while also leaving them their personal space and time. This of course depends on the cat breed and their individual temperament, as there are certain cat breeds that are more affectionate and more attached to their owners. Generally, cats require less maintenance than other emotional support animals, especially when it comes to being let out and their physiological needs. Cats are also a great choice as emotional support animals because they are extremely suitable for apartment living. Cats are among the 8 best types of emotional support animals.

How to Get an Emotional Support Cat?

The instructions on how to get an emotional support cat are given below. 

  • Check ESA Eligibility: Conduct a short screening process to confirm ESA eligibility. Certapet has a simple screening process that takes no more than five minutes and involves answering several questions. The answers are kept confidential. 
  • Select a Cat Breed: If the screening process confirms eligibility, choose the ideal cat for ESA purposes. Various purebred and mixed cats meet the criteria for becoming an ESA, so the ultimate decision is up to the candidate. 
  • Speak to an LMPH: Cetapet connects ESA candidates with licensed mental health professionals (LMHPs) in their state of residence, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, or counselors. The meeting between the candidate and LMHP is held during a telehealth appointment. 
  • Receive an ESA letter: Based on the LMHP’s decision, the candidate is given a custom treatment plan and printable ESA letter for cat. CertaPet sends a printed version of the letter to the candidate’s address upon request.

What are the Benefits of Getting an ESA Letter for your ESA Cat?

The benefits of getting an ESA letter for your ESA cat are listed below. 

  • More Housing Options: The Fair Housing Act requires landlords to provide reasonable accommodation for assistance animals, which includes emotional support cats with valid ESA letters. 
  • Pet Rent Exemption: Traditional housing pet expenses like rent and fees do not apply to emotional support cats who have an ESA letter as proof of their status. 
  • Traveling with Cats: Emotional support animals are seen as regular pets under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), but many airlines allow cats with ESA letters to accompany owners.  
  • Legal Protection: An ESA letter legally protects owners and emotional support cats, but it is not mandatory for personal comfort or companionship at home. 

What are the Responsibilities for Having an Emotional Support Cat?

The responsibilities for having an emotional support cat include choosing the right breed, getting an ESA letter prescribed, obedience training, and taking proper care of the cat. 

Emotional support cats help people with various mental health challenges. So, choosing the breed whose temperament is most likely to improve the specific mental or emotional disability that an individual is experiencing is fundamental. 

Apply for an ESA letter to ensure legal protection for the emotional support cat. ESA cats do not have equal rights as service animals, but the ESA letter comes with benefits. 

ESAs do not require special training, but obedience training and socialization are recommended to help the cat become well-behaved, social, and comfortable in various situations.  

Schedule regular veterinary visits to stay on top of the ESA cat’s health. Ensure its vaccines and preventative treatments for internal and external parasites are up to date. 

Can House Cats be Trained to be Emotional Support Cats?

Yes, house cats can be trained to be emotional support cats. ESA cats do not need particular training beyond basic obedience. 

Basic obedience training is not mandatory for emotional support cats, but it is preferable. Basic obedience shapes the cat’s manners and behavior. Start obedience training as early as possible and use positive reinforcement for best results. 

Another important training aspect is socialization. Cats used as ESAs must be well-behaved near other pets and new people. 

Is an Emotional Support Cat Allowed in Public Places?

An emotional support cat is allowed in public places as long as the place allows its presence. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 does not protect ESAs. The protection only applies to service animals.  

Public places, such as restaurants and shopping malls, have the right to deny ESA admissions. Always check a particular place’s ESA in public policy to avoid misunderstandings.  

Does an Emotional Support Cat Need to Be Registered?

No, an emotional support cat does not need to be registered. An official ESA database does not exist. Specific sites offer registrations, but they have no legal value.  

The sole perk registration is having a public record of the cat’s emotional support animal status. Be careful because many websites offering ESA cat registration spread misinformation or are scams. 

Unlike the ESA registration, an ESA letter is necessary and has legal standing. The ESA letter is an official document that proves a person’s need to have an emotional support animal. 

Can you Adopt a Cat for Emotional Support?

Yes, you can adopt a cat for emotional support. ESAs do not have to meet specific background requirements or need special training. Every cat has the potential to be an ESA. 

Approximately 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters annually in the United States, according to The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 

Adopting ESA cats is humane, but keep in mind that former feral cats sometimes have trouble adjusting. Careful temperament evaluation is necessary to ensure an adopted cat has an ESA potential.  

Adopted cats act as emotional support animals as long as they comfort their owners and have an ESA letter to prove their status. 

What are the Considerations before Getting an Emotional Support Cat?

The considerations before getting an emotional support cat are listed below. 

  • Temperament: The cat’s temperament determines its ESA suitability. Emotional support cats must be calm, friendly, affectionate, and people-oriented. Different cat breeds have unique personalities, but there are also variations among members of the same breed. 
  • Living Situation: Consider the living situation in terms of a small apartment versus a large house with an outdoor space. Most cats adapt perfectly to apartment living, but certain breeds like being outside.  
  • Maintenance: The ideal ESA cat is low-maintenance regarding grooming and general care. People with disabilities have enough problems, and having a high-maintenance cat adds to the list of tasks.  
  • Adaptability: Adaptability is a significant consideration. Emotional support cats must be outgoing, adaptable, and confident in different situations and environments. A cat that is unable to adapt is unable to provide comfort to the owner. 
  • Socialization: The emotional support cat’s social skills are critical if it accompanies the owner outside or if it is supposed to live in a multi-pet household. The ideal ESA cat likes making friends and gets along well with other pets and people. 
  • Overall Health: Think about the cat breed’s potential health risks and longevity. Always opt for long-lived breeds with fewer genetic health conditions. Practice regular veterinary checkups to ensure a lasting relationship with the ESA cat. 

Is a Cat better than a Dog for Emotional Support?

No, a cat is not better than a dog for emotional support. Cats and dogs make excellent ESAs, but there is no consensus on which is better. The choice is up to the owner. 

“Relationships with cats are better because the perceived cost of such a relationship is lower. However, emotional closeness is greater with dogs than with cats,” found a study, “Pet–Human Relationships: Dogs versus Cats,” published in Animals in 2021. 

Cats are easier and more budget-friendly to care for than dogs but less adaptable to unknown environments, which is worth considering in emotional support animals. 

ESA dogs are more high-maintenance compared to cats in terms of basic obedience training, daily walks, grooming, and living space requirements.   

Can you Travel with an Emotional Support Cat?

Yes, you can travel with an emotional support cat. The option, however, must be confirmed with the specific travel provider. 

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) does not protect ESAs since 2021. ESA cats have the same status as regular pets regarding traveling rights. 

Contact the travel provider and check its pet policies. Many airlines allow owners to travel with ESA cats in the cabin.  

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Ivana Crnec, DVM Veterinarian
Ivana Crnec got her veterinary degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bitola. She then continued her education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia, where she specialized in domestic carnivores.

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