ESA Letter Arizona: How to Get It and ESA Laws in Arizona

By: Ivana Crnec, DVM Updated: February 3, 2025

emotional support animal in arizona

An ESA letter in Arizona is a document confirming a person’s need for an emotional support animal and protecting the animal’s ESA status.  

ESAs in Arizona must be reasonably accommodated in all housing situations, regardless of the pet policies of the rental properties. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) prevents discrimination against people with disabilities and supports equal housing rights. 

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) no longer protects emotional support animals, but many airlines allow in-cabin travel with a valid Arizona ESA letter. Arizona emotional support animal laws do not allow ESAs in public spaces and workplaces unless they are pet-friendly. 

ESA certification in Arizona and registration are not necessary, and emotional support animals do not need special training. A mental or emotional disability diagnosis and an official ESA letter issued by a licensed professional are the two Arizona ESA requirements. 

How to Get an ESA Letter in Arizona?

The instructions on how to get an ESA letter in Arizona are given below. 

  • Evaluate the Need for an ESA. Determine whether an individual has a mental or emotional condition that an emotional support animal helps alleviate. Common conditions include anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.
  • Consult a Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP). Schedule an appointment with a qualified LMHP, or medical provider licensed to practice in Arizona. The professional assesses the individual’s mental health and determines if an ESA fits the treatment plan.
  • Undergo a Professional Evaluation. The licensed professional evaluates the needs during the consultation and decides whether an ESA is appropriate. This evaluation is conducted in person or through a trusted telehealth service.
  • Obtain a Valid ESA Letter. If approved, the licensed professional provides an ESA letter stating the individual’s need for an emotional support animal. This letter is the official documentation for housing accommodations and other relevant purposes.
  • Understand the Limitations. While the letter provides housing protections under the Fair Housing Act, it does not grant public access rights like those for service animals. Be aware of where an ESA is allowed.

Get an emotional support animal in Arizona through CertaPet in three easy steps. First, answer several questions to complete the screening test. Second, talk to a mental health professional licensed in Arizona. Third, receive the ESA letter, online or in a hard-copy form. 

What are the Advantages of Getting an ESA Letter in Arizona through CertaPet?

The advantages of getting an ESA letter in Arizona through CertaPet are listed below. 

  • Simple Process: CertaPet makes receiving an ESA letter a simple and easy process. After the free pre-screening, you will get through an assessment and talk to an LMHP, so you can get your letter. 
  • Fast Turnaround: The turnaround time with CertaPet is fast. LMHPs contact candidates within two business days from the candidate’s assessment, and approved candidates get the ESA letters on the same day. 
  • Legit Documents: CertaPet is a reliable online ESA service with an excellent reputation among clients. The platform provides legitimate ESA documentation, support, and continuity of care.
  • ESA Benefits: Get an ESA letter online through CertaPet and enjoy the benefits provided by the FHA, like living in rentals with no-pet policies and not paying pet fees and rents. 

CertaPet's Quick and Easy Process for ESA Letters

Getting an Arizona ESA letter through CertaPet is a hassle-free experience that connects owners with licensed mental health professionals authorized to practice in the state of Arizona, thus complying with Arizona emotional support animal laws. CertaPet’s streamlined online process helps owners secure a valid ESA letter efficiently, ensuring the rights to housing and travel accommodations are protected. Understanding CertaPet's quick and easy process helps owners secure their Arizona ESA letter and prepares them to navigate situations when a landlord can legally reject an ESA in Arizona, ensuring the owner upholds their rights under applicable housing laws and protections.

What is the Importance of ESA Letters for Arizona Residents?

The importance of ESA letters for Arizona residents is to enforce equal accommodation rights and help with particular transportation, public access, and workplace benefits. 

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) protects ESAs and obliges landlords to accept emotional support animals even if the rental properties have no-pet policies. ESAs in airplanes, public areas, and workplaces are not protected but they might be accepted with a valid ESA letter depending on the airline, business/property, or employer’s policy. 

Official registration and ESA certification Arizona are not necessary. The ESA letter Arizona is the only legally valid document for ESAs. A licensed mental health professional (LMHP), or other health care provider authorized to practice in the state must write and sign letters for ESA.  

ESA Arizona residents must obtain letters from the state, unless they moved from a different country, in which case, the letter is valid until it expires. The expired ESA letter is then renewed in Arizona. 

How do ESA Letters in Arizona differ from those in other States?

ESA letters in Arizona do not differ from those in other states in their fundamental purpose, which is granting legal protections to ESAs and their owners. In the state of Arizona, there are no special requirements concerning the prescription of ESA letters. For instance, patients do not need to have a 30-day rapport with a LMHP as in the case of California. 

Arizona and other states do not enforce ESA training and registration. The process of getting an ESA letter by state is similar, and the ESA letter itself is the same. The only difference is in local state laws, which give distinct rights and benefits to emotional support animals. 

Must ESA letters in Arizona be Issued by an Arizona-State Licensed Professional?

Yes, ESA letters in Arizona must be issued by an Arizona-state licensed professional. An LMHP, or other health care practitioner is required to write and sign ESA letters. 

Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, psychiatric mental health nurses, and licensed clinical social workers are the professionals qualified to ESA issuing. Verify if the professional writing your letter is authorized to do so by checking credentials and confirming their licensing information through state boards or official mental health directories.

Arizona validates ESA letters issued from other states for people who have just moved. Once the letter expires (within 12 months of being written), however, it must be renewed in Arizona.  

How to Qualify for an Emotional Support Animal in Arizona?

The instructions on how to qualify for an emotional support animal in Arizona are given below. 

  1. Evaluate Mental/Emotional State: Consider whether the mental or emotional problem benefits from an emotional support animal. The ESA is expected to provide comfort and relief with its mere presence. Emotional support animals are not trained to perform tasks. 
  2. Consult with a Professional: Talking to a mental health professional is imperative for two reasons. First, to get actionable tips on improving mental and emotional wellness. Second, to receive a valid ESA letter and enjoy benefits that do not apply to regular pets. 
  3. Choose a Species for an ESA: Emotional support animals are pets the person already has or intends to get. Arizona does not restrict the ESA species. Dogs and cats are the most common ESAs, but birds, lizards, and other domesticated animals* are becoming popular. 

*Please note that CertaPet only prescribes letters for dogs, cats, and rabbits.

What Conditions Permit an ESA Letter?

The conditions that permit an ESA letter are listed below. 

  • Anxiety: Anxiety is an umbrella term encompassing various states and diagnoses, such as stress, panic attacks, phobias, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). 
  • Depression: Common types include perinatal (postpartum), seasonal, bipolar disorders, persistent depressive disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
  • Neurodevelopmental Issues: The two most frequently diagnosed neurodevelopmental conditions are autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 
  • Neurodegenerative Conditions: Neurodegenerative problems are seen in seniors and entail age-related cognitive decline and dementia. 

What to do after Receiving an ESA Letter in Arizona?

The instructions on what to do after receiving an ESA letter in Arizona are given below. 

  1. Verify your ESA letter: Contact the LMHP who wrote the letter via phone or email to ensure authenticity. Presenting false ESA documents is illegal and results in charges. ESA letters from CertaPet are legit. 
  2. Keep a Copy of your ESA Letter: Keep a copy of the ESA letter on hand. Electronically received ESA letters are printable, and a printed copy is good to keep at home. The PDF version must always be available on the phone. 
  3. Train your ESA: Emotional support animals do not need special training; however, basic obedience is recommended for all assistance animals, not just ESAs. Many public areas and workplaces allow ESAs if they are calm and well-behaved. 
  4. Understand your Legal Rights: Read and understand the rights and perks that come with ESAs. Emotional support animals are currently protected under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), but not the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). 
  5. Ensure Good Behavior: ESAs enjoy protection, but the owner is ultimately responsible for their behavior. Landlords are allowed to ask for monetary compensation if the ESA misbehaves and causes significant damage to the property. 

Should ESA Letters from Arizona be Renewed Annually?

Yes, ESA letters in Arizona should be renewed annually. ESA letter renewal is important to keep the medical record up to date and to protect certain ESA rights under federal law. 

For example, landlords often ask for updated ESA documents. Employers allowing ESAs in the workplace are permitted to request current ESA letter inspections.  

Renewing ESA letters is simple. Get in touch with the LMHP who wrote the letter or contact a new clinician. Apply for ESA letter renewal one month before the current letter expires. 

Are there ESA Letter Scams in Arizona?

Yes, there are ESA letter scams in Arizona. Websites and companies selling fake ESA letters are scattered in all states. ESA misrepresentation is illegal in Arizona, which is why it is crucial to work with reliable ESA providers. 

The things you should look for to avoid scams are listed below. 

  • Very Low Prices: Building a network of board-certified mental health practitioners is expensive and affects the cost of the ESA letter. Websites offering cheap ESA letters generate fake doctor names or use overseas doctors who are not licensed in Arizona. 
  • Instant Approval: Fast ESA letter turnaround is a perk, but instant issuing is a red flag. Sites that issue ESA letters immediately without requiring candidates to talk to a mental health professional in Arizona are fraudulent. 
  • Sparse Information: A poorly written letter that lacks information is likely to be fake. A legit ESA letter must be written on the LMHP’s official letterhead and contain the LMHP’s credentials and contact information. 
  • Lifetime Letters: ESA letters do not expire in the typical manner but must be renewed yearly in the state of Arizona. Providers offering multi-year or lifetime-lasting ESA letters are scams. 
  • Certification or Registration: ESA certification and registration are neither required nor legally valid steps. Scam companies often advertise free certification or free registration to scam a larger number of people.  
  • Exaggerated Claims: On a federal level, ESAs are protected only by the Fair Housing Act. Emotional support animal online platforms claiming take-your-pet-anywhere benefits in Arizona are not legitimate.   

What are the Specific Arizona ESA Laws?

The specific Arizona ESA laws are listed below. 

  • ESA Housing Laws: The Fair Housing Act obligates landlords to provide reasonable accommodations to ESAs despite specific pet policies for rental properties. Under the FHA, ESAs are exempt from pet fees, pet rents, and pet deposits.  
  • ESA Public Access: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allows service animals to accompany owners in public places, but the ADA does not protect ESAs. The decision to permit ESAs in public places is at the discretion of the place’s manager or owner. 
  • ESA Employment Laws: The Arizona emotional support animal laws do not imply that ESAs must be permitted in workplaces. Many employers, however, accept ESAs if they are well-behaved and do not interfere with the workflow.  
  • ESA Travel Laws: The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) does not cover ESAs anymore. ESA laws in Arizona do not force airlines to accept emotional support animals. Airlines that permit ESAs do it on their own decision.  

Can a Landlord Deny an Emotional Support Animal in Arizona?

Yes, a landlord can deny an emotional support animal in Arizona, but only in specific situations. Landlords are allowed to deny or evict ESAs that are dangerous to other tenants, cause serious damage to property, or pose a significant financial or administrative burden. 

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) protects ESAs and ensures equal housing opportunities for people with mental and emotional disabilities. 

Under the FHA, a landlord is not allowed to deny ESAs based on breed, size, or weight and is not permitted to require that ESAs have special training or specific identification paraphernalia such as ID tags or vests. 

Can you have Multiple Emotional Support Animals in Arizona?

Yes, you can have multiple emotional support animals in Arizona. Arizona does not have laws restricting the number of ESAs per person. 

Each emotional support animal, however, must be recommended by a licensed professional, have a specific purpose, and have its own ESA letter. 

Landlords under the FHA must provide reasonable accommodation to emotional support animal owners. An unreasonable number of ESAs is a reason some landlords deny renting requests. 

The scope of the term reasonable is not defined, but logic gives a sense of things. For example, two or three ESAs are not an issue, but ten ESAs are likely to be problematic. 

Are Emotional Support Animals Allowed in Hotels in Arizona?

No, emotional support animals are not allowed in hotels in Arizona by default. ESAs do not have a legal right to public access, and hotels are considered public places. 

Many hotels and hotel chains, luckily, have pet-friendly policies and accept emotional support animals as guests. Pet-friendly hotels even offer additional services such as pet swags, menus, or dog walking. 

Always check a hotel’s pet policy before traveling with an ESA. Owners are encouraged to state the situation with the hotel manager and present a legitimate ESA letter. Depending on the situation, hotels with no-pet policies make exceptions. 

Are Emotional Support Animals Allowed in Restaurants in Arizona?

No, emotional support animals are not allowed in restaurants in Arizona by default. Restaurants are classified as public accommodations. 

Under Arizona laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), public places are not obliged to accept ESAs. The ADA applies exclusively to service animals. 

The presence of ESAs in restaurants is at the restaurant owner’s discretion. Some restaurants allow ESAs and regular pets in open areas and patios (animals must not be present in the food preparation area of food establishments, according to the Arizona Food Code 6-501.115).  

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Ivana Crnec, DVM Veterinarian
Ivana Crnec got her veterinary degree at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bitola. She then continued her education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia, where she specialized in domestic carnivores.

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